Girl with flowers using Illustrator

Girl with flowers

As part of my weekly learning series I tried my hands with some of Adobe Illustrator's advanced tools and features by recreating designs from Envato Tuts+ tutorials. 

This post is about the illustration of an adorable girl with her basket and bunch of flowers. You can download the main AI file that I worked on from the download link which at the end of this article.

Below the illustration design after completing the tutorial. It is same as the tutorial without any modifation.

And below is the final illustration after slight modifications with colors, gradients and background gradient.

You can also have fun and follow the original tutorial by Envator Tuts+ where you can learn how to create an adorable cartoon Little Red Riding Hood with her basket and bunch of flowers.

Below is the link to Envato's original tutorial on how to create an adorable cartoon Little Red Riding Hood with her basket and bunch of flowers.

Download Option

You can download the original Illustator's AI file that I recreated in Adobe Illustrator from the below link:


Download the original AI file